Reptiles Australia Information Portal

Australasian Journal of Herpetology

Only checked and accurate providers are linked to from here!
When it comes to reptiles as pets, in science or even kids birthday reptile parties, it is important to only deal with reliable sources of information and providers that are safe.
Want a reptile show or kids party with reptiles, then this is the right place to be.
On this page are links for the best things in reptiles!
Whether it is a kids reptile party, wildlife display at school, adult reptile parties or an animal expo event, we have all you need here.
Click on the relevant item below to find exactly what you want.
We only refer people to Australia's best reptiles shows or snake handler courses.
Everything here is top notch and guaranteed safe for you, your kids, loved ones and others you work with.
Remember to avoid unsafe trademark infringing imitators or scammers.
Get the real thing and stay safe!

reptile shows


Australasian Journal of Herpetology


Reptile Parties in Melbourne

Reptile displays

Snake Shows

Snake Catcher

Snake handling courses

Reptile Shows

Canine Snake Avoidance Melbourne

Reptile Party

Raymond Hoser is the Snakeman